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Forum Posts
May 16, 2024
In Support FAQs
We provide most of our CNC3D machines fully assembled, wired and calibrated. As such, we have factory profiles in CNC3D Commander that include setting lockouts to prevent users from overriding machine settings and potentially damaging their machines.
In this support article, we take a look at how to recover your controller from the CNC3D Lock out if you have mistakenly loaded a CNC3D profile on a machine that is not a fully built CNC3D machine.
1. Connect to your controller as you normally would using your preferred connection method.
2. Go to the "Run Job" tab in Commander and in the "Manual Command" section at the bottom right and enter "$User/Macro0=" into the text box below the Manual Command heading. Then click on the "Send" button below the text box.
3. Â Disconnect from your controller and completely exit out of Commander and relaunch the program. Reconnect like you normally would.
After reconnecting, you should now be able to edit all settings as normal. 😊
If you DO have a fully built CNC3D machine and need to make some slight adjustments to your settings due to adding a large CNC3D dust shoe to your machine for example and you need to slightly reduce your X max travel limit to suit it, you can temporarily remove the CNC3D lock out for your current session to allow you to make the sizing change.
The easiest way to do this is the following:
1. Click on the "Help" button at top right in Commander. Once the window loads, click on "Disable profile lock out"
You should now be able to change any settings you like while your Commander session is active. 😊
Oct 24, 2021
In GRBL / ESP32 GRBL / FluidNC
This error typically occurs when a line of Gcode is either not formatted correctly or is missing a letter before a number.
Oct 24, 2021
In GRBL / ESP32 GRBL / FluidNC
This GRBL error indicates a possible crash dump of your ESP32 GRBL or FluidNC controller.
This commonly occurs in the WebUI. Please seek advice from your controller vendor.
Jul 01, 2019
In Technical support
So, we've finally released our range of CNC machines. This thread will be dedicated to our customers feedback and opinions. Please feel free to share your experience using your SharpCNC.

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