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Post processors

This page contains links to post processors that suit our machines and controllers for popular CAM programs on the market.


Last updated: 09-Feb-2025

Our Post processors are already available in Carveco's standard release but for those who cannot update Carveco or can not access the factory ones we have them listed here. 

Conditions for use

All of these Post processors reference the surface of your material and will travel to the specified Z clearance height in your Carveco project. They will return back to the original Job zero when the job completes. They will reference the Job coordinates so it is recommended you Zero your job coordinates at the starting point for best results.

The "Commander" versions will work when loading a job into Commander and streaming jobs directly to your controller, i.e: USB. They are not designed for controllers that run jobs off an internal SD card or from a GRBL hand controller that uses SD card storage. If you are looking for a post processor to do that, please use the "Nighthawk" version of the Carveco post processors. If you have a Nighthawk controller then please use the "Nighthawk" post processors.

The "Spindle" versions of these post processors adds a 10 second dwell after turning on your spindle to allow your spindle time to get up to speed. This may not be required for some post Processors.


Please note: if using a Nighthawk controller or xPROV5, you need to export your jobs and upload them to your controllers SD storage via either Commander or the Web interface on your controller. Carveco will not export directly to your controller.

Post Processor Links

Metric (MM)

Carveco CNC3D (mm) - No Spindle
Carveco CNC3D (mm) - Spindle


Imperial (Inches)
Carveco CNC3D (inches) - No Spindle
Carveco CNC3D (inches) - Spindle​

How to Install

Navigate a folder to the post processor folder of your Carveco installation folder, typically this is found in "C:\ProgramFiles\Carveco\postp" and paste one or all of the above Post processors in there. If Carveco is already open, relaunch it to see the post processors appear in your job export list.


Last updated: 04-Feb-2025

These Post processors suit all versions of Vectric products including Cut2D, Cut3D, Vcarve, Vcarve PRO & Aspire 

Conditions for use

All of these Post processors reference the surface of your material and will travel to the specified Z clearance height in your Vectric project. They will return back to the original Job zero when the job completes. They will reference the Job coordinates so it is recommended you Zero your job coordinates at the starting point for best results.

This is a simple post processor that does not support tool changes and is suitable for running on our Nighthawk controller or other controller that runs jobs from an SD card.

The "Spindle" versions of these post processors adds a 10 second dwell after turning on your spindle to allow your spindle time to get up to speed. This may not be required for some post Processors.


Please note: if using a Nighthawk controller or xPROV5, you need to export your jobs and upload them to your controllers SD storage via either Commander or the Web interface on your controller. Vectric software will not export directly to your controller.

Post Processor Links

3 axis Router/milling Post processors

Metric (MM)

Vectric - CNC3D (mm) - No Spindle
Vectric - CNC3D (mm) - Spindle


Imperial (Inches)

Vectric - CNC3D (Inches) - No Spindle

Vectric - CNC3D (Inches) - Spindle



4th rotary axis Router/milling Post processors


Metric (MM)

Vectric - CNC3D (mm) - 4th axis on X - With Spindle control

Vectric - CNC3D (mm) - 4th axis on X - NO Spindle control

Vectric - CNC3D (mm) - 4th axis on Y - With Spindle control

Vectric - CNC3D (mm) - 4th axis on Y - NO Spindle control


Imperial (Inches)

Vectric - CNC3D (Inches) - 4th axis on X - With Spindle control

Vectric - CNC3D (Inches) - 4th axis on X - NO Spindle control

Vectric - CNC3D (Inches) - 4th axis on Y - With Spindle control

Vectric - CNC3D (Inches) - 4th axis on Y - NO Spindle control



Laser/Plasma/Jet Post processors


Metric (MM)

Vectric - CNC3D (mm) - Laser


Imperial (Inches)​​

Vectric - CNC3D (Inches) - Laser


How to Install

Vectric Versions less than 10.5


1. Open the "Downloads" folder or the location the post-processor was saved on the computer

2. Open Vcarve/Aspire

3. Select File, then Open Application Data folder

    a. There should now be two windows open on the computer screen

4. Right-click on the post-processor .pp file and select "Copy"

5. Right-click the PostP Folder, and select "Paste"

    a. For a shortened list of post-processors, paste any .pp file(s) that are regularly used into the MyPostP folder

6. Close Vcarve/Aspire

7. Open Vcarve/Aspire, the post-processor drop-down list will now show the post processors



Vectric Versions 10.5 or greater


Post processors are now installed in the "Machine" menu.

Vectric post processor installation guide


Last updated: 08-May-2024

This post processor is designed to work with most versions of Autodesk Fusion360.

Conditions for use


This Post Processor supports easy selection between G53 or G54 limits and supports both router and laser jobs.

Please be careful with the options selected as it may result in your Z axis crashing into itself. You have been warned!

Please note: if using a Nighthawk controller or xPROV5, you need to export your jobs and upload them to your controllers SD storage via either Commander or the Web interface on your controller. Autodesk software will not export directly to your controller.

Post Processor Links

Fusion360 CNC3D Post processor (Milling) (Last updated 08/05/2024)

Fusion360 CNC3D Post Processor (PLASMA ONLY) (last updated 08/05/2024)​

How to Install

A guide to installing Fusion360 Post processors can be found HERE.



Last updated: 08/05/2024

SheetCAM is a popular Laser, Waterjet and Plasma CAM program.

Conditions for use


There are 2 versions available: 

1. A standard post processor designed to work with the Nighthawk / xPROV5 and other GRBL based controllers. It does NOT support a probing routine and is designed for standard plasma setups without a probing slide assembly fitted. Usage of a THC is perfectly fine for this.


2. Features are the same as version 1 but this version performs a probing routine before each pierce. The purpose of this is to ensure a superior arc start regardless of how warped the material is. This post processor is specifically intended for use with plasma cutters with a probing slide assembly fitted. If you are looking to upgrade your CNC plasma with a sliding head assembly, we have our own design that works exceptionally well and can be found HERE.


Please note: if using a Nighthawk controller or xPROV5, you need to export your jobs and upload them to your controllers SD storage via either Commander or the Web interface on your controller. SheetCAM will not export directly to your controller.

Post Processor Links

SheetCAM CNC3D  (PLASMA ONLY)   (Last updated 08/05/2024)

SheetCAM CNC3D - w/Probing (PLASMA ONLY)  (last updated 08/05/2024)

How to Install

1. Open SheetCam, then go to "Menu -> Options -> Machine"


2. Click on the "Post Processor" tab, and then at the bottom click on "Import Post", select one of the post processor files you have downloaded to your Computer from above. NOTE: you may need to right click and "Save As" to download the files.


3. While still in the "Post Processor" tab, click on "Edit Post".  In here you can modify your settings as appropriate: E.g: If using the probing routine version Post Processor, you may need to set your max probing distance and and pull off value. These variable are located at the top of the Post. 


4. Save the file and close out of SheetCam. This step is required for the post processor to update SheetCam correctly.

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