We were back working with our Nighthawk Scribe board last week - and we've got it tasting MDF for the first time!
We have replaced the stock control board on a Chinese 3018 CNC Machine with a Nighthawk Scribe, fired it up and started carving!
Now we have a 3018 CNC with WiFi, SD and Bluetooth, as well as the reliability of our full Nighthawk controller!
These Nighthawk Scribes will be a great drop-in replacement for users looking to replace their control board with something feature-packed and awesome!
The Nighthawk Scribe will be available soon, keep and eye out!
#cnc #scribe #nighthawk #innovation #3018cnc #endmill #rndfriday #woodworking #cnccontroller #cnc3d #cncaustralia
